CLASSIFICATION PROGRAM VERSION ONE LINE DESCRIPTION -------------- ------------------ ------- ----------------------------- Home/Personal PERSONAL BIORHYTHM 4.5 Easy-to-use Biorhythm Program Author Information: Morris L. Bower P.O. Box 715 Parkersburg, WV 26102-0715 E-mail: Web: Latest Release Date = March 3, 1997 Original Release Date = July 1, 1988 Description Type = Short Description Produces professional-looking biorhythm charts. Plots your Physical, Emotional and Intellectual highs and lows. Prints cover sheets, daily forecasts & comparisons. Database to store most frequently-used names. Menu-driven, easy-to-use. Requires 512K, DOS 3.0 or higher. Description Type = Long Description Do you ever wonder why some days you feel like a million bucks, while others like small change? Biorhythms are the different cycles your mind and body go through every day. They begin at birth with three sine wave cycles; PHYSICAL, which controls energy, vitality, stamina, endurance and initiative; EMOTIONAL, which controls sensitivity and temperament; and INTELLECTUAL, which controls thinking. With Personal Biorhythm, you can produce professional-looking charts which plot your physical, emotional, and intellectual highs and lows. Create fact-filled cover sheets, daily forecasts, two-person comparisons. Menu-driven, user-friendly, database to store your most often-used names. Requires 512K, DOS 3.0 or higher. Description Type = Keywords BIORHYTHM BIO BIORHYTH BIORHTHM ASTROLOGY Description Type = Categories (in order of preference): Biorhythm, Home & Personal, Health, Misc. Description Type = Suggested Zip File Name: PERBIO45.ZIP Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US DOLLARS Minimum registration price..................14.95 Maximum registration price..................14.95 Shipping: within United States..............3.00 other North America...............4.00 all others........................5.00 Payment must be payable on a US bank in US dollars, or postal money order. Description Type = Installation Details From the DOS prompt type A:INSTALL and press (whereas A should be the proper letter of the floppy drive with the program disk). Follow the simple on-screen instructions. For detailed instructions on installing to DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11, or Windows-95, view or the HELP.BAT file. Description Type = Permissions This product may be distributed freely through normal Shareware methods, as long as our internal (compressed) executable programs and text files in this package remain unaltered. The single uploaded or shipped compressed file (containing all of our programs and text files) may be converted to any file compression method you prefer. But do NOT change the names of, or alter, any of the internal files found in our main, self unpacking, compressed archive, because the program needs these for proper operation. You may add extra files of your own for the pupose of advertising or giving additional user instructions. But our own INSTALL.EXE file must be used for final user installation. This software may NOT BE SOLD by individuals, companys or corporations as if it were their own personal property, and a "full disclosure" about the principals of Shareware is required for distribution via copies on removable disks. A fair and reasonable fee may be charged to cover reproduction, packaging and shipping costs up to $10 for shipment on each floppy disk. This program may be freely distributed via BBS, CD-ROM, floppy disk, E-mail, etc., but may not be distributed in any package deal where the end user might assume that he is actually buying the software. For any other permission, please email: for immediate reply, or contact author at P.O. Box 715, Parkersburg, WV 26102-0715. Check out my web site: where you can download the latest versions of my software.